Uranium Spot Price
as of March 24, 2008
u3o8 (lb) $73 USD down $1 USD
quote from Ux Consulting

President Bush Promotes Nuclear At Renewable Energy Conference
Excerpt from speech to Washington International Renewable Energy Conference.
.......And the truth of the matter is, you've got to be -- have a growing economy to be able to afford these technologies in the first place. So here are some ways that we're dealing with the issue of electricity. One, I strongly believe the United States must promote nuclear power here in the United States. Nuclear power -- (applause) -- if you're interested in economic growth and environmental stewardship, there's no better way to achieve both of them than through the promotion of nuclear power. Nuclear power is limitless. It's one existing source that generates a massive amount of electricity without causing air pollution or any greenhouse gases.
And yet the United States -- we haven't built any nuclear power plants in a long time. We have a promising technology available and yet we're stuck -- until recently. All of our citizens probably don't understand, but France, our ally and friend, gets nearly 80 percent of its power from nuclear power. Isn't that an amazing statistic? It's time for America to change.
My administration is working to eliminate the barriers to development of nuclear power plants. Last year we invested more than $300 million in nuclear energy technologies. We want our people to understand that this generation of nuclear power plants is safe. We want people to feel comfortable about the expansion of nuclear power.
There's regulatory uncertainty when it comes to permitting plants in the United States. You can't expect somebody to invest a lot of money and have the regulatory process at the very end stop that capital from being deployed. It makes no sense. Just like tax policy has to be certain, so does regulatory policy have to create a sense of certainty in order to get people to invest.
So in the energy bill I signed in 2005, we began to address that uncertainty with federal risk insurance for those who build nuclear power plants. This insurance protects the builders of the first six new plants against lawsuits -- we got a lot of them in America, by the way; too many lawsuits, in my judgment -- against bureaucratic obstacles and against delays beyond the -- that would cause people to hesitate to participate in this program.
We've also launched a program called Nuclear Power 2010. Sam Bodman is in charge of all these. It's a partnership between our industry and the U.S. government. Since we've started these programs, we've received six applications to build and operate new nuclear power plants in the United States. The paradigm is beginning to shift. And we anticipate that another 13 applications will be submitted this year.
Many of the construction projects will be supported by $18.5 billion in loan guarantees provided by the government. By the way, that's part of a loan-guarantee projects that we got out of Congress -- $18 billion for the nukes, $10 billion for renewable energy expansions in the United States. (Applause.) This will enable our plant owners -- guys that are applying for loans -- (laughter) -- the whole purpose is, is we want to expand our nuclear power industry. And we're taking specific actions to do it.
Speech transcript on WhiteHouse.gov
Facts from World Nuclear Association.....Mining companies produced 39,429 tons of uranium in 2006 (the most recent year for which data is available). This represents only 62 percent of the world's nuclear reactor demand.
Australia, Canada and Kazakhstan produce more than half of the world's uranium supply. In 2007 Australia and Kazakhstan posted gains in output while Canada's uranium production declined.
Virginia legislators derail uranium mining study
Efforts to study development of the uranium deposits of Pittsylvania County failed to win favor in the conference committee of the Virginia legislature.
“We took it out,” said Del. Clarke Hogan, R-Halifax, one of the 12 conferees.
“We said, ‘we’re not going to put that in the budget,’” Hogan said, speaking for the House’s six members of the conference committee.
“That was the end of that. It wasn’t something we debated,” Hogan said.
Labels: uranium, uranium investing, uranium stock market
The Virginia General Assembly plans to study a proposal to develop what is described as " the largest undeveloped uranium deposit in the U.S".
The site in Pittsylvania County, Virginia is estimated to contain as much as $10 billion of uranium ore.
The state of Virginia has banned uranium mining since 1983.
Virginia Uranium Inc. has offered up to $1M to fund the study.
Labels: uranium, uranium investing, uranium stock market